Subhasish Basak
Research & Project experiences : 2022
2022 Projects
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Find more on GitHubGdR MASCOT-NUM 2022
Sigma Clermont, Clermont Ferrand, France
7-9 June 2022
Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the MASCOT-NUM research network at Clermont Ferrand, France. Titled "Bayesian multi-objective optimization for quantitative risk assessment in microbiology", a joint work with Julien Bect (L2S), Laurent Guillier (ANSES), Fanny Tenenhaus-Aziza (CNIEL), Janushan Christy (ACTALIA) and Emmanuel Vazquez (L2S).
This work is part of the ArtiSaneFood project (grant number : ANR-18-PRIM-0015) which is part of the PRIMA program supported by the European Union.
- Program : MASCOT-NUM 2022
- Poster : HAL Id: hal-03715857
Keywords : ArtisaneFood, Bayesian optimization
53èmes Journées de Statistique
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
13-17 June, 2022
Our article "Integration of bounded monotone functions: Revisiting the nonsequential case, with a focus on unbiased Monte Carlo (randomized) methods", with Julien Bect (L2S) and Emmanuel vazquez (L2S), got accepted at the 53èmes Journées de Statistique.
Dans cet article, nous revisitons le problème de l’intégration numérique d’une fonction monotone bornée, en nous concentrant sur la classe des méthodes de Monte Carlo non séquentielles.
- Program : JDS 2022
- Article : HAL Id: hal-03591555
- Presentation : Slides
Keywords : Monotone integration, stratified sampling
ONE – Conference 2022
Square, Bruxelles, Belgique
20 June 2022
As a part of the ONE – Health, Environment, Society – Conference attended a workshop for One Health professionals on efficient exchange of mathematical models and data analysis procedures with the harmonized FSKX format.
The objective of the workshop is to introduce the Food Safety Knowledge eXchange (FSKX) format and to promote its adoption by One Health professionals and modellers. FSKX supports the One Health community in its efforts to share and re-use mathematical models, as well as data analysis procedures. Efficient exchange of such knowledge across different One Health sectors (e.g. in risk assessment, hazard identification and control) is a key ingredient for transparent, multi-actor decision-making.
- Program : FSKX Wrokshop
- Presentation : Watch on youtube
Keywords : Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Microbiology, FSKX, RAKIP
ArtisaneFood annual meeting 2022
Bologne, Italie
7-9 July 2022
As a part of the French unite of the project ArtisaneFood, with Fanny Tenenhaus-Aziza (CNIEL) we presented our ongoing work on Quantitative risk assessment of HUS in french raw milk soft cheese. The presentation was made to the representatives of the other participating countries in the project, including Italy, Portugal, Spain, Maroc, Greece and Tunisia.
The results from the project implementation were shared among all partners in half-hour presentations, and decided upon the actions to be taken to tackle delays due to COVID-19 outbreak were decided by the consortium.
- Program : ArtisaneFood meeting 3rd year
- Presentation : Slides
Keywords: Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Microbiology, ArtisaneFood, Bayesian optimization
IDESSAI Summer school
MPI-SWS, Saarbrucken, Germany
29 August - 2 September 2022
Poster presentation at the 2nd Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI, organized by the two renowned German and French AI institutes, DFKI and Inria.
Abstract : As a part of the European project ArtiSaneFood, the primary goal of this collaborative work between ANSES, CNIEL and L2S is to establish efficient bio-intervention strategies for cheese producers in France, to “economically” reduce the risk of Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) caused by Shiga-Toxin producing Escherichia Coli (STEC) present in raw-milk soft cheese. This translates into a multiobjective optimization problem of a stochastic simulator based on a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) model proposed by Perrin et al. (2014), to estimate the Pareto optimal solutions for the process intervention parameters.
- Program : IDESSAI 2022
Poster : HAL Id: hal-03715857
Keywords : Pareto Active Learning, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Bayesian optimization
IDF World Dairy Summit 2022
New Delhi, India
12 - 15 September 2022
Poster presentation at the International Dairy Federation - World Dairy Summit as a part of the French delegation with Dihia Aguenihanai (CNIEL, INRAE) and Thierry Geslain (CNIEL).
The IDF World Dairy Summit is an annual meeting of the global dairy sector, bringing together approximately 1500 participants from all over the world. The participant profile includes CEOs and employees of dairy processing companies, dairy farmers, suppliers to the dairy industry, academicians, government representatives, etc. The summit is composed of a series of scientific and technical conferences and social events including a Welcome Reception, Farmers' Dinner, Gala Dinner as well as Technical and Social Tours.
- Program : IDF-WDS 2022
Abstract : Poster Session IDF-WDS
Poster : Click here
Keywords : Pareto Active Learning, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Bayesian optimization
Journée de doctorats, L2S
CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
15 September 2022
This was the annual PhD students day (Journée de doctorats) at the Laboratoire de signaux et systemes (L2S), CentraleSupelec, Université Paris-Saclay. All the second year students (in frame Lisa Poirier--Herbeck, CEA) made a presentation of their ongoing work.
Abstract : Bayesian optimization for stochastic simulator using Pareto Active Learning, PALS is easy to implement and an efficient algorithm that uses Gaussian process regression to build surrogate models for the black box expensive simulator to be optimized. It uses confidence rectangles to classify the points in the input design and estimates the Pareto set.
- Presentation : Click here
Keywords : Bayesian optimization, Pareto Active Learning
COPIL ArtisaneFood 2022
Caen, Normandie
16 September 2022
The Comité de Pilotage for the ArtisaneFood project at the French national level was organised at Caen, Normandie in collaboration with CNIEL, ANSES, L2S - UPSay, ACTALIA, Fromage AOP de Normandie and producers of french raw milk soft cheese.
Avec l’aide de l’ODG Camembert de Normandie et également Eloïse Modic, la adjointe de l'Association de Gestion des ODG Laitiers Normands, nous avons organiser une visite de laiterie fabricant du Camembert de Normandie. Merci aussi à Coopérative Isigny-Sainte Mère pour l'accueil.
- Presentation : Slides
Keywords/Technologies Used: Camembert de Normandie, Isigny-Sainte Mère, ArtisaneFood
Journée de doctorats, ANSES
Maison Alfort, France
18-19 October 2022
This was the annual PhD students day (Journée de doctorats) at Agence Nationale de Securité et Sanitaire (ANSES).
Abstract : We consider the problem of "economically" minimizing the risk HUS form the consumption of raw milk soft cheese. We use a Quantittive Risk Assessment (QRA) model based on the work by Perrin et al (2014), to estimate the risk. Bayesian optimization algorithms are used for optimizing this stochastic simulator using Pareto Active Learning.
- Poster : Click here
Keywords : Bayesian optimization, Pareto Active Learning